
Offer 199 out of 475 from 19/09/24, 16:18


Bark­hau­sen Insti­tut gGmbH - Inter­net der Dinge

The Bark­hau­sen Insti­tut per­forms rese­arch on the latest hard­ware, soft­ware and com­mu­nic­a­tion tech­no­lo­gies and demon­stra­tes their app­lic­a­tion in tomor­row's soci­ety. Our goal is to build a flex­ible and trust­worthy IoT plat­form based on reli­able elec­tron­ics and secure com­mu­nic­a­tion meth­ods.

Rese­arch Asso­ci­ate "IT Secur­ity with focus on 5G/6G and Stand­ard­iz­a­tion" (m/f/d)

Working field:

  • Analysis of threats, vulnerabilities and security risks in the area of 5G/6G systems
  • Development of innovative IT security solutions to strengthen the trustworthiness of current and future mobile communication systems
  • Supporting participation in 5G/6G standardization and specification bodies such as O-RAN ALLIANCE or ETSI.


  • Above-average university degree and doctorate in the field of IT security
  • An integrative and cooperative personality with excellent social and communication skills
  • very good command of written and spoken English
  • excellent and broad expertise in IT security, ideally related to 5G/6G

What we offer:

  • An open and cre­at­ive team of enthu­si­astic sci­ent­ists
  • Agile work­ing hours and work­flows
  • Cross-dis­cip­lin­ary pro­jects
  • Work on future tech­no­lo­gies
  • Flat hier­arch­ies for your ideas and flex­ible teams
  • If you have pas­sion for new tech­no­lo­gies and the desire to deve­lop the con­nec­ted world of tomor­row with us, we are look­ing for you.
    Life and sci­ence are com­pat­ible at our insti­tute. We offer a range of recog­nized fam­ily-fri­endly meas­ures, such as part-time work, mobile work­ing and flex­ible work­ing hours that take fam­ily needs into account.

How to apply:

  • Your app­lic­a­tion should include: motiv­a­tion let­ter, CV, copy of uni­ver­sity degree cer­ti­fic­ate, short sum­mary of Mas­ter/PhD the­sis. App­lic­a­tions from women are par­tic­u­larly wel­come.
  • We only accept com­plete app­lic­a­tion doc­u­ments as one sin­gle PDF doc­u­ment by e-mail to Please ref­er­ence RFCS-2022 in the sub­ject line. App­lic­a­tions that con­tain other file for­mats (e.g. Word, Excel) will not be con­side­red in the selec­tion pro­cess. Infor­mal inquir­ies can also be sub­mit­ted to the same address.